Thursday, January 22, 2009

Do you ever...

...feel like you are starring in a Amelia Bedelia book?

You know, the crazy maid who messes everything up. She takes simple tasks WAY too literally and ends up with a HUGE disaster. For Example...

Told to dust the furniture, she throws talcum powder all over it. Asked to dress the chicken, she sews it an outfit. She makes sponge cake by mixing the cake batter with real sponge. However her kind employers are always eager to forgive sweet Amelia.

Sometimes I feel as if I am the star of my very own Amelia Bedelia book. This feeling has dramatically increased since becoming a mother. I feel like I am learning as I go, or letting the plane fly itself. Case in point.

One night I was at my mom's house. Dixon had a poop-splosion. When my mom saw the sights of this she said, "I used to call those bath time diapers." I asked her to elaborate more on what a "bath time diaper" is exactly. She said it was a diaper so bad, that it required a bath.

What a great idea Amelia (Kendra) thought! Then there would be little to no clean up.

So...the next time Dixon had one of his poop-splosions I decided I would try the new "bath time diaper" method. I put the poopy baby right into the bath tub...feces and all. To my dismay the feces did not go down the drain, but was floating around the tub. Thus Dixon was more dirty than when we started off!

When I called Grandma Wendy to tell her that her strategy was way off...She informed me that I was suppose to clean the baby and THEN put him in the bathtub...

Silly Amelia Bedelia.


Anonymous said...

LOVE IT! That's the BEST story ever! I'm laughing so hard! I think I'll still be laughing later are so cute and an AWESOME mom! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Loves it!!!!

The Lynam's said...

OMG I am CRACKING UP at you! You are such a teacher!!! How could you leave elementary with this wonderful Amelia Badelia stuff?!?!?!?!?

Missy... said...

Oh my're a riot! I've had a few of my own Amelia Badelia moments! You just gotta laugh, right?!?

Missy... said...

By the way, don't you think the McHose family should have a blog?!? *Wink, wink,* Brooke! :-)

3 Bay B Chicks said...

This is one of the funniest posts I have read in a while, Kendra. Between this and your header, which I absolutely adore, I can't understand why we don't follow you. Let me go and take care of that now. :)
