Friday, September 11, 2009


I am still having a hard time adjusting to going back to school.

I miss my afternoon nap, and miss spending all day with my little buddy even more...

I still need to post pics from the Iowa State Fair...but lately I like to post the pics a month after the fact. ;)

I am starting 2 new classes this fall and *hope* to graduate in May.

We still have not agreed on a baby name.

Dixon still has the rash on his poor little face. We are going to the dermatologist next week.

Dixon does somersaults. Everywhere. Hardwood floors. Off the bed. On the sidewalk.

Adam is still home on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this year and Dixon goes to Grandma Gayle's on Monday, Thursday, Friday.

We have been spending lots of weekend time out at the farm and at Grandma Wendy's.

There will be pictures camera is on the fritz and being held together by duct tape, after the bandaid fell off.

Right now we are watching Wubzzy and are excited for the big game tomorrow.


1 comment:

rachel said...

Tell Dixon to stop being such a party animal and doing sumersaults everywhere and he wouldnt have rashface! I learned that one the hard way ;D jk, miss you guys, it sounds pretty overwhelming!
How about Herkey Alexander?