Monday, November 21, 2011

Insta Friday! (Monday!)

Cars and coffee.

My knight in shining armor. 

Dixon relaxing after a looooong day. :)

Breckin after a tumble off of the train table. ;(

Hey Breckin...I don't think your nose is quite touching the screen. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

long lost covered bridge pics.

Only about a month after the fact, not too bad, right?

We had a wonderful covered bridge weekend this year. 

The weather was amazing. 

Family and friends were flocking to our hometown. 

The boys were in high heaven. 

Especially with their cousins Casey and Carter (the teenage version of D and B). 

And of course, their lovely mother, Aunt Darcy.

We also got to spend time with cousins Haley and Dani while watching the parade.

Dixon loved playing in the corn...

Almost as much as the corn, the boys loved seeing their little cousin Reesey!

This pic was just too sweet not to share on Sweet Shot Tuesday! I mean, can you feel the love???

Monday, November 14, 2011

a few funny screen shots.

FYI...AAA is Adam Alvin Alexander and Rachel's screen name is Tacoloc (after her dog and tacos?).

Auto correct is 99% of the time very useful...but's just not quite what I was thinking...

And this was, let's just say, a rough night.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

Insta Friday! :D

By now it's no secret that I love Missy Starr and will basically do anything I can to copy her. 

So, when she began her Insta phone Fridays, I knew I had to jump on the blogwagon!

Instagram is an app for the iphone where you can jazz up your phone pics a little.
Not so fond of the snow...:)
Dixon is right back at it, playing hard in the snow and going to school! 

He has an amazing ability to bounce back! :)

Click on over to Life Rearranged to see what other imoms have been up to this week!

life rearranged

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Halloween 2011

I must say that Halloween this year was a smashing success.

We took our sweet Mario and Luigi to Night Eyes the weekend before Halloween and they had a blast.

We had planned on them being Luke Skywalker and Yoda until and week before Halloween when Dixon insisted that he was going to be Mario. 

In fear of an episode like last year, I made a last minute trip to Des Moines to find the only two Mario and Luigi costumes in the city (both in size 6).

Dixon's fit pretty well and I just trimmed the arms and legs of Breckie's.

Monday night was beggar's night and the weather was near perfection. 

And so were my Mario and Luigi.

Get this boy some candy!

Double fisting it.


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

We interrupt your thankful posts for a broken clavicle.

Yes, I know I have missed quite a few days of being thankful. However, I plan to catch up and I have a pretty good excuse.

Last Wednesday night, I was sound asleep when Adam woke me up at midnight and told me that Dixon fell out of bed and had been fussing for about an hour.

True to form, we could not get him to tell us where he hurt. He kept saying, "I not hurt." When we finally realized that it was his right shoulder area, we decided that we should take him to the ER.

Adam stayed home with a sleeping Breckie as I called my dad to meet me at the ER.

They were quick to do an xray and discover a broken clavicle. Dixon was in a lot of pain so they didn't put a brace on but they did give him some really good meds. Shortly after they gave him the medicine in his nose he looked at me and said, "It's a sunny day, Mom." So I knew it was working. :)

Since then we have been to both our pediatrician and our pediatric orthopedic surgeon (from the broken arm and trigger thumbs x 2). He has been wearing a figure 8 brace that goes over his shoulders like a backpack and a sling. He prefers to lay flat on his back, with no pillow, so we prop the ipad up in front of him so he an watch his favorite shows.

Dixon has been showered with gifts, treats and visits from aunts, uncles and grandparents. We have been alternating Tylenol 3 and Advil every 3-4 hours to keep his pain under control. Finally today, he has been out of bed more than in and back to his old self.

Please, let me be the first to tell you, I had a good two days of pitty partying. I just felt so bad for sweet Dixon. In the past year he has had many obstacles. I just wished that I could take it all away. I cried and cried the night he told me, "I just want to be comfortable."

But I am past that now, we are on the road to recovery! I am working to get back in thankful mode...

I am very thankful that one of my favorite doctors was in the emergency room on the night of our visit. She was able to put my nerves at rest and take amazing care of Dixon. I am also so thankful for Michaela who left her family in the middle of the night to come take Dixon's xray, with a smile on her face.

I am beyond thankful for my dad who met me in the ER with not even a second thought. I know he would be anywhere anytime that I need him.

I'm thankful for the overall health of my family. After just one week of an uncomfortable boy, sleepless nights and constant rounds of meds I can not imagine having a child with a chronic illness. I am thankful for only a broken clavicle.

I am thankful that Adam is able to be home with Dixon during this time. I have needed to take minimal time off of work, which is a blessing.

I am thankful for Dixon's sweet preschool teacher and class who made Dixon get well soon cards that were too cute for words.

Thankfully yours,

Kendra and Co.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


A growing trend on Facebook is to write something you are thankful for each day in November. I have decided that because things could get a little mushy, that I would make it my goal to write something I am thankful for each day on the blog.

Here goes...

Today I am thankful for my job. Of course there are days when I question my career choice, but it has provided so many opportunities.

I am able to work less than 3 minutes from the boys and I can be there at the drop of a hat if they need anything.

My job as a teacher allows me to have summers off to spend with my little guys. This also allows for the opportunity to earn extra money.

Because of the income from my job, I am able to keep the household going while Adam goes back to school (which has been awesome for our family). This also allows Adam to be home during the day and drop off and pick Dixon up from school.

I am thankful for my job because of the relationships it has brought into my life, old teachers and friends, as well as new friends.