As I plan and prepare for my ten year high school reunion this weekend, I find myself thinking where the heck has the last 10 years gone....
Well...for those of you who have missed it, or who have joined the ride a little late...let me fill you in...
2001- Adam and I go to our senior prom together. He chooses to go to Coe in the fall and I choose to go to Kirkwood, both in Cedar Rapids. We still disagree on who followed who. ;) I {reluctantly} go off to college. I miss my siblings and parents and house. However I make it through the homesickness and make some amazing friends. Including my kindred spirit, Kayla.
2002- Adam transfers to Kirkwood {the preceding question is solved ;)}. I move into a new apartment {across the street} {sorry, dad} with three new roommates, including Kayla. I realize that I need to choose a major and a school for next year. In a moment of desperation I choose education and University of Iowa. For spring break my 3 roommates and I take a train to NYC {$99 roundtrip}. On the way to the train station, I realize I don't have my ID. Adam breaks into our apartment and meets us half way with it. The usual. We have an amazing time.
2003- I start at the University of Iowa. I love it. I love Iowa City and football games. Kayla goes off to Iowa State, but we still see each other and Adam is still at Kirkwood, 30 minutes away. I am still homesick, but getting into the college groove. I meet some {more} amazing new friends and begin my path as a teacher. I stayed in Iowa City and took classes alllll summer, to prevent being a 5th year senior.
2004- Senior in college...this has gone fast! Adam has moved home and is looking for a job in computers. I am still in Iowa City, but we see each other each weekend. In the Fall we {4 girls, 1 hotel room} take a trip to Vegas to celebrate Kayla's 21st! I move home after Christmas to begin my student teaching in West Des Moines. Kayla and I take another trip to Chicago to see Britney Spears and do some serious shopping.
May 2005- I graduate college with some of the greatest friends from U of I. I have already landed a job {over spring break} for the next year teaching special education in Des Moines Public Schools. On the way home from graduation my mom drops me off at Rachel's {2nd kindred spirit}. We pack up her entire apartment and she drives all the way to CA. My heart is broken. Over the summer I visit her and fly to Hot-lanta to visit Kayla while she wraps up her internship. I ride back to Iowa with her and summer is almost over.
Fall 2005- I start my first teaching job. It is so challenging, but I meet some of the best people and most dedicated teachers while I am there. After the first few weeks I am moved into a closet, but I don't mind at all. I love the experience. Adam and I are both living in our parents basements, separately. Over the winter I take a trip to Vegas to celebrate Adam's sister, Natalie's 21st {this is becoming a pattern}. I stay busy with teaching and working in respite and at Pottery Barn Kids.
2006- Over the summer Adam proposes! We are official. I am thrilled an immediately have set the date as 777 {my stepdads 50th}. We also took our last family vacation Mom, Tasha, Maddy, Jackson and I on a Tour de California. I spend that summer and much of the next year going crazy over wedding planning. In the fall Adam and I find out little yellow house. We close at the beginning of December and can not wait to move right in. We get our first child, Lady, just before Christmas.
Spring of 2007- My best girls and I take a trip to Vegas {theme} for my bachelorette party. I wrap up the final wedding plans and my second year of teaching.
777- The big wedding day! I am a picture prefect bridezilla...but it has been fun to look back on. :) Adam and I take our honeymoon to Cancun. We swim with doplhins, visit the Mayan ruins, but spend most of our time missing Lady and our new home. We find out about 4 weeks after 777 that we are going to be new parents. We are over the moon, thrilled.
Fall 2007- I begin my 3rd year of teaching. Everyone at Stowe is so excited for the news of a baby and they are all so involved in the pregnancy. The school year goes by quickly, with no Vegas trips. {And none since}.
Spring 2008- {Begin blog life.} We finally welcome our son Dixon to the world. I am both thrilled and terrified at the thought of motherhood. After my maternity leave I return to Stowe for 2 days before summer vacation begins {ahhhh, timing}. Over the summer a special education job opens up at my old high school. I apply and get it. While I am sad to leave my friends at Stowe I am relieved to to close to Dixon all day.
Winter 2008/9- I begin my coursework for my masters. During some routine bloodwork the Dr.'s notice that my liver is whack. After many tests and a biopsy they realize that it must be a certain medication I was taking. We take a spring break trip to visit Kayla in Minneapolis and with eleminating said medication we soon find out that we will be parents once again. :)
Spring/Summer 2009- I am working OVERTIME to get my classes done before I am the mother of two and working full time AND a student.
Fall 2009- I beging my second year of teaching in the high school, knowing that I will be on maternity leave after Christmas break. I am still working hard on my classes and at school. Christmas break comes before we know it and we are now the parents of two bouncing baby boys.
Spring 2010- I return to school in Feburary and finish up that school year and my masters in May. Have I really been teaching for 5 years?? We spend that spring and summer going to the pool and the zoo and enjoying each other.
Fall 2010/Winter 2011- I began the school year with two little ones and a masters under my belt. Not soon after the school year started my sweet Niece Reese was born. Our family was enjoying Friday night football games. Adam was working overnights and sleeping during the day. This was a challenging time, but we are grateful for where it has led us.
Summer 2011-Adam left his job, after seven years in computers. He began classes at DMACC and Upper Iowa working twoards his teaching degree. The boys were busy playing at the pool, the park, the zoo, the river, or the pond.
WHEW- In the last 10 years I have graduated high school, graduated college, bought my first home, got married, birthed two children, got my masters and taught for 6 years. No wonder I'm so tired. ;)
Here's to hoping time slows down a bit for the next ten. :D