Saturday, May 2, 2009

black attack paw power.

The players who attended the picnic!

2001 seniors (minus Jackie)

This was my BIG picnic weekend! It is my high school volleyball coach's 20th year coaching at WHS! I held a picnic and invited all of the graduating seniors and their parents, plus the previous assistant coaches! The weather was amazing and it was SO awesome to see such a great turn out. Coach Eldridge really is a special lady and I was so thrilled that so many people came out to see her!

We have not been living in a cave...however Dixon does have pneumonia! We were at Blank ER until 2:00 am yesterday. He is doing good now...hopefully this will be it and we will have a HEALTHY summer!


rachel said...

what a great idea!!! looks like lots of fun!

The Lynam's said...

You look AWESOME in the picture! And looks like you had a ton of fun... good job Kenny :o). Hope Dixon starts feeling better soon. Poor lil' guy...