Adam and I woke up at 3:30 to be at the hospital by 5:00 am. We had already dropped Dixon off the night before at Grandpa Dan and Grandma Gayle's house. It was really hard for me to leave him, because I knew that I wouldn't see him for four whole days. That night I only slept for about 2 hours. I was very nervous and excited that I would be able to meet my sweet baby boy in a matter of hours.
We were going to go to Grandma Wendy's so she could follow us in and we didn't even have to turn down her street, she was waiting at the stop sign! I think she was a little excited to meet Breckin too. When we got to the hospital we had to wait for what seemed like forever. Then we got a room where we waited for them to begin my surgery. It was hard to wait and I was getting more and more nervous, by the minute. I knew that everything would be ok, but surgery is always scary.
It was finally time for us to go into the operating room. I was not as panicked as I was with Dixon, but I was still very nervous. It took the Dr. what seemed like forever to get the spinal in the right place, but once he did everything happened so fast. I remember that the anesthesiologist was so funny...he had the driest sense of humor. I told him when he first started to, "Tell me what you are doing." To which he replied, "I am rolling the cart across the room, I am looking for my gloves, ect." I couldn't help but laugh.
Once the epidural kicked in I felt like I was going to throw up, so he gave me some more medicine and I felt better. Next, Adam could finally come in and I think he saw more than he bargained for! I kept telling him, "don't look, don't look." :)
The next thing I knew Dr. Munro exclaims,
"He is a wrestler!"
I could just imagine Adam's smile under his mask! ;) Then he was out, crying and all! We were so thrilled! Grandma Wendy had been waiting to catch a glimpse of Adam and the baby in the nursery.
I was taken back to recovery, where I was so happy to see Grandpa Don and Grandma Chris.
Before we got word that we would be moving to the NICU Grandma Karen and Brian paid us a visit and held Breckin. Uncle Nate also came by to meet his newest nephew.
Later that day was when we were told the Breckin was going to be taken to the NICU where is low blood sugar could be monitored more carefully. Everyone kept saying that he was out of place up there because he was so big. They even had to search for their biggest knitted hat and it was even a little snug. ;)
Being up in the NICU made us realize how lucky we were to only have to worry about blood sugar levels.
There were so many little and sick babies whose parents had made their hospital rooms their babies homes. The nurses in the NICU were so amazing and we were so thankful for their kindness.
So many people helped us as we were in the hospital. Dixon was cared for by Grandma Wendy and Grandpa Jack, Grandpa Dan and Grandma Gayle, Grandma Chris and Grandpa Don, Aunt Darcy and Uncle Marty. Aunt Maddy, my mom, and Adam all took turns staying with me in the hospital.

Because of the outbreak of H1N1 this fall there were very strict guidelines on who could visit the maternity floor and even stricter guidelines on who could visit babies in the NICU. There was no one allowed under 18 on either floor. On the NICU, if someone (a grandma) came to visit Adam and I could not go in with her together, one of us had to stay behind.
We had hoped that Breckin could come home with us, but he ended up with a high protein level that could indicate an infection. Breckin had to stay in the NICU for 5 days. It was so incredibly hard to leave the hospital without him. The day that we brought Breckin home was so exciting and amazing. It was also the start of a huge cold snap temperatures were more than 20 degrees below zero for well over a week.
Now that we have all been home for over a week, we are starting to get into some sort of a routine...and hopefully the posts will keep coming! :)
ahhh I love that you wrote about his birthday! You are such great parents and are so blessed to have so many family members there to support you! He is such an adorable bundle! :)Can't wait to read more about how things are going!
P.S. I don't know what is worse....knowing exactly when your baby is going to arrive, but having to have surgery to have him, or NOT knowing when it is going to happen! argh! Still no Maya and today is her due date!
What a little blessing! So glad he is home and is healthy! Can't wait to follow your adventures with two adorably, fun little boys!
By the way, I noticed that your nurse was Ronnie...she was ours with Camden too! Love her! :)
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