Monday, October 18, 2010

from postal to thankful.

This picture is very representative of our week,  last week. He's lost his head. He has done it all with one arm behind his back missing. He is still standing, still fighting.

Both of my darling boys have been sick and I have had some of my hardest days as a mom. I was running on zero sleep and even less patience.

Contrary to what many moms would like you to believe from their blogs and facebook posts, being a mom is not all rainbows, lollipops and kitty cats.

It is hard work. Hard, thankless, exhausting work.

It is difficult, but at the end of the day we have to remember that even when we feel that we are "close to postal" we need to be thankful. 

So this week I have moved from postal to thankful. 

Thankful that my biggest problems are snotty noses and ear infections. 

Thankful that I have babies to wake me in the night.

Thankful that even though we are two ships passing in the night, that my husband and I both have jobs. 

This week I will be back to my cute picture posting, funny captioning self. 

Wait for it.


Rachel said...

Great post Kendra! I'm right there with you, I think my blog is probably way too positive but if I blogged about all aspects of my life I'd have one big pitty party. I hope your boys are feeling better soon or at least sleeping! I always say I could do anything if I could just get a full nights sleep but it's been over 2 1/2 years since I've had one of those....the joys of motherhood. FML. :)

Adam said...

The army guy was eaten by Charlie Brown