Friday, October 29, 2010

of trigger thumbs and bailey buttons.

Last Tuesday as I was scurrying to get to the volleyball game I was suppose to score, I stopped to fix pick up Dixon's favorite meal, Subway meatballs. Dixon was trying to get my attention in the back seat and I thought he was pointing at something. So I tried to give him every.single.thing I could get my hands on. He wouldn't take any of it. Then I noticed he was showing me his hand.

When we got to Grandma Wendy's I inspected his hands and I noticed that neither of his thumbs would go straight. They were both stuck in the bent position right at his knuckle. I was paniced. I didn't know if I should take him to the ER or make an appointment for the next day. Well, I did neither. I knew that Mr. C would let me have it if I was late for the volleyball game, so I dropped off the boys and forgot about the non bending thumbs until Wednesday night when I told Adam.

His worry was enough for me to make an appointment with our good old friend, Dr. L (Dixon's arm dr.). Between the time I made the appointment and when we went in on Friday I had already self-diagnosed Dixon as Trigger Thumb. I had researched all possibilities, read studies and cried. I know Trigger Thumb is a minimal issue, but it is hard to think that something is wrong with your child and I was so worried about surgery.

So it was back to Dr. L's office we went last Friday and he confirmed my diagnosis suspisions, that Dixon did indeed have Trigger Thumb and would be operated on Friday to release his tendons.

Dr. L explained it by saying that Dixon has a size 6 tendon and a size 4 tunnel for the tendon to fit through. He would go in and make the tunnel bigger so the tendon could glide in and out with ease. He also told me that he does a procedure that would require no incision. He said that with the little fingers and tendons he can use a VERY small knife to go in and clip the tunnel and he would only need band aids.

This was a lot for this mama to take in, all in a matter of days...

The next logical step for me was Von Maur. So I lugged my boys into the shoe section and bought these beauties that I have been drooling over eyeing for the past two years.Without even trying them on.

Ahhhhhhh, retail therapy.

Fast forward one week.

We dropped Breckie off this morning at Grandma Gayle's and Adam and I took Dixon into the big city for his minor surgery. Dixon did really well. He was not happy when they took him from us to the operating room. I must say that I wasn't either. I wasn't sure that he would forgive me for that. Luckily he has. ;)

When he woke up from the anestesia he was crying very hard, they said that this was normal for little ones. He got some good medicine and has been doing well at home, minus throwing up on Daddy.

And don't worry Dixon is not one bit upset about missing trick or treat, for reasons I will outline in a future post. ;)

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