Monday, June 15, 2009

burning question

What will I do with the blog title once baby dos comes?

I know there are many more pressing questions in this crazy world...

But remember...

My blog.
My questions.

Do I want to change the title completely?

Do I want to stick with the love theme?

Here is all I can come up with...

Dixon and ______ are love.

But I really like how simple "is love" sounds on the end.

I need your help blogosphere....

What are your brilliant blog title ideas??


Micaela said...

where in the heck have you been? I haven't seen you forever. I think you should do dixon and _____ are love. It just isn't right to completly change the whole theme. Come to class tonight.

CarsonFamily said...

dixon + ____ = love

Adam said...

love makes babies!

The Lynam's said...

The Alexander's are love. PS: How's Dr. J? I see Dr. Munro next Tuesday. I think I like Dr. Johnson more. What are your thoughts?

Missy... said...

Ooohhh, tough decision. I've been wondering about this.

Maybe "Alexander's are love"????

Michelle Ekstrum said...

I like "is love" too. It's so simple. How about...
Life is love
Family is love
This is love
Or there are many "are love" options...
We are love
dixon and ____ are love
Children are love
I don't know, just tossing some out.