Sunday, February 21, 2010

adventures in babysitting.

Last weekend, while Adam and I went car shopping (decided on keeping jetta) we dropped our darling boys off with my Aunt Darcy, Uncle Marty and their two boys Casey and Carter.

In the time before Casey and Cater, it was my sister Tasha and I who were being dropped of at Aunt Darcy for a day of fun. I only wish I could find copies of the old glamour shots and insert them here. Tasha and Aunt Darcy's of course, not mine! :)

*Side note* Did you ever get Glamour Shots? What happened to that place?

Aunt Darcy is always SO eager to babysit the boys and LOVES getting to spend time with them. We were lucky that it was not snowing and warm enough for the big boys to take Dixon out to their backyard for his first sledding experience. They have the most perfect hill! As you can see, Dixon was giggling the whole way down.


Baby Brecks was inside snug as a bug in a rug. 

1 comment:

jfrank said...

I did get Glamour Shots when I was younger...I have no idea what happened to it...just one day it was gone.