Friday, February 26, 2010

he get it from his mama...

Being high maintenance that is.

Poor baby Brex has so many issues going on right now that it is a full time job to keep up with his eating/massage/soaking/medicine schedule!

He is still really not eating much, we switched to soy formula, but now we are back to sensitive. When he eats it seems almost painful for him. He is being treated for acid reflux. Right now he gets 1 ml of Zantac twice a day.

He has only had dirty diapers once a week for the past three weeks and last time he needed a suppository. For this we are doing constant belly and lower back massages and he is getting 1-2 ounces of a "P" juice per day.

He has an ingrown toenail. When we went to the dr. for it they said that they usually work themselves out on babies, but it has gotten worse. We rub Neosporin on it often and now we soak it in Epsom salt for 5 minutes four times per day.

NOW as of yesterday Breckin has Thrush. Now this should be an easy fix. Dixon had it a few times and with Nyastin 4 times daily, it will clear up just fine.

So if you are wondering why I am not keeping up with my blog it's because I am very busy being a massage therapist, a nail tech, a dietitian, medicine dispenser, suppository giver, and mom to the sweetest almost 2 month old baby there is. :)

1 comment:

mardarwhite said...

Bring him over -- I will try to fix him.